Other configuration files

The remaining items in the Config menu are determined by the config_files parameter in the Default file. The items must correspond to the names of text files in the Configs folder. Selecting one of these items causes the corresponding configuration file to be loaded. A tick appears next to the most recently loaded file. Here is a brief description of all the non-default config files supplied with :
configures for the StyleWriter printer. The printing and viewing resolutions are set to 360 and both modes to stylewriter. The reverse_page_order parameter is set to true because this printer stacks pages face up.
configures for the ImageWriter printer. The printing and viewing resolutions are set to 144 and both modes to imagewriter.
configures for a Linotronic typesetter. The printing resolution is set to 1270 and the mode to linohi.
600 dpi printer
configures for a 600 dpi printer. The printing resolution is set to 600 and the mode to ljfour. This mode is suitable for a HP LaserJet 4. If you have a different type of 600 dpi printer then you might need to use a different mode to get better looking fonts.
A5 Portrait
sets the paper dimensions for A5 paper in portrait mode.
A4 Landscape
sets the paper dimensions for A4 paper in landscape mode.
US Letter
sets the paper dimensions for US Letter paper in portrait mode.
View at 144 dpi
sets the viewing resolution to 144 and the mode to imagewriter. Characters from 144 dpi PK files scale better on most Mac screens (normally 72 dpi). Previewing will also be faster and use much less memory.
View CM using PS
tells to preview Computer Modern text fonts using the nearest ``equivalent'' PostScript screen fonts. If you have the corresponding TrueType or ATM (Adobe Type Manager) fonts, your text will be much more readable, apart from some strange kerning and the odd incorrect character (e.g., you won't see any ``ffi'' ligatures). The viewing resolution is set to 360 ( 5×72) so that ``Actual Size'' dimensions will be accurate.
Add BaKoMa Fonts
updates the current list of PostScript fonts so that can use the BaKoMa fonts created by Basil Malyshev. These fonts are free PostScript and TrueType versions of Computer Modern. They can be obtained by ftp from any CTAN site. See the comments in the config file for more details.
Add CM/PS Fonts
updates the current list of PostScript fonts so that can use the CM/PS fonts created by Blue Sky Research. The CM/PS fonts are PostScript versions of the Computer Modern fonts. These are also in the public domain and available from CTAN sites. However, you need to install ATM to get nice-looking screen fonts.
Add Lucida Fonts
updates the current list of PostScript fonts so that can use the Lucida fonts available from Y&Y. Lucida is an alternative to Computer Modern, including math fonts, in Adobe Type 1 format.
Add MathTime Fonts
updates the current list of PostScript fonts so that can use the MathTime fonts available from The TEXplorators Corporation. MathTime is a set of math fonts suitable for use with Times Roman.
Some config files do not appear in the Config menu but can be loaded from the Configs folder:
Remove Help Menu
removes 's Help menu.
and LaTeX.config can be used to configure to typeset documents with either the old LATEX 2.09 format or the new LATEX format; see section [*].
You can of course modify any of these config files to suit your own needs. If you've created your own config files and you think other people might find them useful, please e-mail them to me and I'll add them to the standard distribution.